On The Land We Love - Town of Collingwood

As a local Collingwood Artist, I am pleased to participate in
On The Land We Love

The Town of Collingwood presents On The Land We Love - a multi-week celebration of where we live, the land we enjoy, and the people around us. Taking place June 5th – July 21st, On The Land We Love is a way to get active outdoors (socially distanced) and learn about each other in our community through virtual and interactive experiences.

Inspired by World Environment Day (June 5), National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21), Canadian Multiculturalism Day (June 27), and Canada Day (July 1), On The Land We Love brings together community, culture, arts, and heritage. Join us in celebrating the rich diversity of Collingwood through the stories and experiences of our community and the relationship to where we live and grow together.

On The Land We Love showcases the stories and experiences of our community through music, dance, poetry, photography, visual art, and many more artistic expressions. Engage online or through a series of interactive trail markers positioned in outdoor spaces including along Collingwood trails, in parks, and in Collingwood Downtown, in mapped out loops of varying lengths spanning 2km to 10km.

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